Thai Aromatherapy Oil Massage and Thai Foot Massage / Reflexology Combination

Chang Thai Aromatherapy Oil Massage uses essential oils from plants with therapeutic properties to balance, harmonize and promote health and well-being. When combined with Traditional Thai Food Massage / Reflexology, aromatherapy can take your massage experience to a new level.

Thai aromatherapy oil massage can open the flow of energy throughout your body. You will feel yourself regaining flexibility and ease of movement. The aromatherapy oil massage also helps to adjust your skeletal structure, relieve muscular and joint tension, and stimulate the internal organs. Massage helps your joints, muscles, fascia and ligaments by relaxing muscle tension, improving motion and relieving any spasms.

Your nervous system also benefits from Thai aromatherapy oil massage. The stimulation of sensory nerves causes the central nervous system to respond better. Thai massage helps in preventing fibrosis and improves sleep. Boosted immunity is also a benefit. By releasing toxins through improved circulation, your body can fight disease more efficiently.

Thai Foot Massage is relaxing and energizing, but goes far beyond relaxation. Thai Foot Massage (also known as Thai Foot Reflexology) is a form of acupressure that affects the entire body. Stress and toxins can reduce, inhibit or completely block the natural flow of energy along your meridian lines. Inhibited energy flow contributes to illness and disease. In Thai Foot Massage, meridians are called Sen lines. These Sen lines are connected to the body’s internal organs. Thai Foot Massage/Reflexology works on the belief that certain zones of the foot correspond to these organs. It focuses on the reflex areas in these zones to bring a range of health benefits. During a Thai Foot Massage, pressure points along the Sen lines are gently and methodically stimulated to enhance or restore the free flow of energy. Focusing on the lower legs and feet, a typical session includes gentle, rhythmic movements and stretching. There are 10 major energy lines running throughout our body. These create specific pressure points in the foot that can be effectively stimulated.

Benefits of "Combination of Oil & Thai Foot" Massage


The benefits of aromatherapy oil massage are extensive, from pain relief, a decrease in muscle tension, and a reduction of stress and anxiety to the reduction of the symptoms of depression, decreases in inflammation and elimination or reduction in the severity of headaches.

The Aromatherapy Portion of this therapy has the following benefits:

  • Protection from infections
  • Promotion of healthy skin
  • Anti-aging properties
  • Diminishing of stretch marks
  • Protection of skin from drying & cracking
  • Relaxing of muscles
  • Relaxing of your senses

Benefits of Thai Foot Massage / Reflexology include:

  • Reduces back pain and leg stiffness from extended work on your feet
  • Reduces stiffness and improves flexibility
  • Improves circulation especially in the feet and legs
  • Stimulates the lymphatic system
  • Boost for the immune system
  • Reduced stress levels
  • Improved mood
  • Increased clarity of thought
  • Better sleep
  • Lessen the impact of ailments like migraines or allergies

If you’re a diabetic, Thai Foot Massage might be an answer to issues with circulation in the feet. The National Center for Biotechnology Information is quoted as saying about Thai Foot Massage “is a viable alternative treatment for balance performance, range of motion of the foot, and the foot sensation in diabetic patients with peripheral neuropathy.”

Aromatherapy Oil Massage
Thai Foot Massage Reflexology